Friday, August 10, 2007

Becoming a Worship Pastor

Well, this Sunday marks a new chapter in my and Jeremy's life: I am becoming (officially) a worship pastor for the Nazarene church. I have many mixed emotions about this upcoming challenge, not the least of which is uncertainty. Now let me explain. I am not uncertain about the fact that God has called us to this church at this time for His purpose. That part, I am abundantly clear on. And I know that music as a part of worship is exactly what I have been called to do; but there is so much that I have learned in the past year about what the church should look like, and what the kingdom should look like. I really don't want to compromise, or go back to what I knew before. Unfortunately, I am not sure that there are any like-minded people in this body and I am afraid for my family that we will not find the support to which we have become so accustom.

This church has had its ups and downs, and right now they are rebuilding, basically from the ground up. For that part, I am very excited, and hope to be an integral part of what this body of believers will look and act like as we grow together in Christ. But looking at where we have come from and where we are going, I have to wonder if I am even the right person to do all that God is asking of me. This seems so much bigger than what I can see myself being able to accomplish. And yet I have such a burning desire to try.

So as we journey on, and continue to grow, learn, and sometimes stumble, remember us in your prayers. More to come...

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